St. Cloud Main Street, Inc. is requesting sealed proposals from licensed and qualified contractor capable of Archaeological & Historic Analysis of Historic District. Proposals will be accepted by the Director at 903 Pennsylvania Ave., St. Cloud, Fl 34769, until October 20th @ 5:00 pm. Any proposals received after the time and date specified above will not be considered.
St. Cloud Main Street, Inc. has been awarded a Small Matching Grant by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Historical Resources to complete the “Grid 2 Inventory.” It is expected that the consultant will be completing a minimum of two hundred fifty (250) Florida Master Site File (FMSF) forms and preparing a survey report that conforms to Chapter 1A46, Florida Administrative Code. The most recent historic survey for the district was completed in 1993, making much of the information in in existing surveys in need of an update. Additionally, there are several structures that may have achieved historical significance since 1993 that are not properly documented. The St. Cloud Historic District-Grid 2 encompasses a mainly residential area of the City of St. Cloud with a smattering of commercial structures. Structures vary in architectural styles and state of repair. This survey will update the Florida Master Site File data documenting buildings built on or before 1974. A Phase 1 survey of a contiguous area of The Grid was completed in 2024.
For more information or to respond to this proposal please see the attached here: